Recognizing Driveline Problems And Taking Your Vehicle In For Repair

The driveline on your car or truck allows you to convert the power from the engine into forward motion to drive the vehicle. It is crucial to recognize driveline issues and take the vehicle to a driveline repair shop to be diagnosed as soon as you notice a problem. Rear Wheel Drive Many light trucks and SUVs are manufactured with rear-wheel drive systems that transfer the rotational force from the engine to turn the transmission, spin the driveshaft, pass the rotation to the axles, and then turn the wheels on the back of the vehicle. Read More 

Is Your Vehicle’s Radiator Going Bad? Look Out For These Signs

Every vehicle has a radiator, which serves the purpose of cooling down the engine and preventing it from overheating. However, it is a part that can break down over time and require repair or replacement. Here are some signs to look out for that you have a bad radiator.  Error Codes There are many problems related to your car that can be easily identified with an error code. You'll see a dashboard light turn on, and then a mechanic can read the error code with a computer to see what part is malfunctioning. Read More 

Do You Need Truck Tires For Your SUV?

Purchasing the best tires for your vehicle isn't always easy. While you can stick with tires that came with your car from the factory, you may want to improve performance in one or more areas. For example, you may be looking for better traction in the snow, more ride comfort, or less noisy rubber. Changing up your tires can be an excellent way to achieve these goals. However, you may think that your options are even more complex if you own an SUV. Read More 

Why Go With A Mechanic Who Handles Extended Warranty Repairs?

Extending the warranty on a new car purchase could save the buyer some money if an unexpected problem occurs. Even top-rated vehicles might come with an assembly line defect or another problem, and having the issue covered under the warranty a little while longer may add some peace of mind. The money-saving benefits are not the only positive aspects of an extended warranty. The deal often involves bringing the model to a mechanic who handles repairs under the warranty's terms. Read More 

4 Signs Of A Failing Water Pump

The water pump is part of your car's coolant system. Every vehicle has coolant in lines that are designed to flow through the engine and prevent overheating. The water pump is responsible for keeping the coolant moving, so if it fails the car will overheat and break down. Overheating can also lead to the failure of other engine parts. 1. Whining Noises One of the first signs that something is off with the water pump is a whining noise from under the hood upon acceleration. Read More